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Disco Unicorn Party

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Can't wait to party with you! Shop below for all your unicorn discoing needs!

Fall Fashion Trends 2015

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Ripcord Belt Review

Who says fashion can't be functional? Belts are trending for fall and the Ripcord Belt is revolutionizing the way we wear them. With 12 feet of hidden ripcord you'll be prepared for whatever adventure life throws your way. As for me I like to wear mine on camping trips to pull a sneak attack on my husband when he needs a hand, and be his hero for a change. Then there's my everyday life because as a mother you never know when 12 feet of ripcord will come in handy. ; ) This amazing product has met over 40% its goal on Kickstarter. Get in on the early bird pricing and grab one before they're gone. How will you wear yours? 
